Thursday, December 28, 2006

dinner in Guizhou

In Guizhou I met these guys on the street and they invited me into their storefront for dinner. They were eating out of a hot pot behind the counter, and drinking fermented tea wine that had been aging on one of the shelves for 7 years, which they had just opened. We ate tiny whole fish that one of them had caught in the river that day, and drank basically until they couldn't stand anymore, at which point they tried to buy me a room at the hotel across the street. The food was delicious and these guys were a riot for sure. Especially smiley with the thumbs up. Thumbs up guys!

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Door Gods

These posters were on doors across every town and city I went to in China. They are picutres of the gods who protect the entrance of ones house or business from evil spirits. Also, they are awesome.
We were in this town

And I saw all of this

Yaaaaaaaay China.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006


Hey so sorry I haven't done anything fancy on here in a while, but my computer decided it wanted to become a "real boy," so I had to abandon it in the woods. That'll teach it. Don't worry though, I'll get down to business when I get home in literally days from now. Seriously. Board meetings, ties, phone calls on speaker phone, coffee breaks, tussled hair, panic attacks, downsizing, upgrading, you name it. I'm going fortune 500 this year, I swear.